Buying a new trailer is like buying a car from a dealer. You pick your trailer and put down a deposit and come back to pick it up at a later date. For us they cleaned the trailer and took care of a few issues (a missing amber light cover and the water hook up panel cover). They also completed the required state inspection before delivery.
I had big plans to do some video taping of our delivery but it didn’t work out. One thing I had to do was plan our trip home. The dealer was on a divided road so there was no turning left and making a U-turn at the next light isn’t an option. I went online and figured out a route so that I would be able to easily turn around and head the right direction. I also would need to adjust the electric brakes which you do at about 25 mph so having this back road route was going to kill two birds with one stone. My plan was to drive my planned exit route on our way to the delivery appointment, however we were behind schedule and didn’t get to do that….more about that in a bit.
Once we arrived at the dealer a rep took us out and gave us a detailed orientation of our new trailer, answering our questions as he went along. After the orientation we went to the finance office to do the paperwork, like a car it takes a dozen signatures to seal the deal. While we were inside another tech was attaching our weight distribution hitch to the truck and connecting the trailer. The last step was for this gentleman to explain how to use and adjust the hitch.

And then the drive home. Remember how I wanted to check out the backroads first, well I made the first turn but missed the second. It was a narrow hilly road that I was trying to adjust my electric brakes on but I got it done. We now were on back roads with no way to turn around and no idea where we were headed so we fired up the GPS. The GPS got us home, but it wanted me to practice making turns on small streets first before we got to the highway to drive home.
I had really wanted to video my backing the trailer up into the side driveway the first time but I didn’t. I did buy walkie talkies so that I did not have to rely on my wife’s hand signals to guide me in. I only had to pull forward once to try again and got the trailer right where we wanted it. I did have to stop half way in to take one more branch down but we were home.